Currently Reading: Caste by Isabel Wilkerson

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Lost Memory of Skin

PEN/Faulkner shortlist

Really interested in how he made me feel sumpathy for such dislikable characters

"Where do you think you are, Kid, the goddam Garden of Eden? Snakes aren't evil any more than they're good.  They're just following their nature.  Which as long as we don't screw them up by putting them in cages and zoos is snake-nature.  Good and evil, Kid, that's strictly for us humans."

"He wonders if the Writer's harsh theory about knowledge -- that you can't ever know the truth about anything -- is true after all.  Maybe it is.  Maybe it isn't.  But the Kid can't even know that: he's stuck between believing the Writer's theory and not believing it."

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